It is a good reminder that "soul" work also involves bodies--feeding them, clothing them, caring for them and about them. "When you do it unto the least of these, my brethren, you do it unto Me," said Jesus.
A prospective donor for Åmy Carmichael's work in India ( saving temple children used for immoral "services"), sent a stipulation with his money--he wanted it used only " for evangelistic work, not buildings." Amy wrote to the gentleman: "Well, one can't save and then pitchfork souls into heaven. There are times when I heartily wish we could. And as for buildings, souls (in India, at least) are more or less securely fastened into bodies. Bodies can't be left to lie about in the open, and as you can't get the souls out and deal with them separately, you have to take them both together. What then is to be done?" (from A Chance to Die by E. Elliot)
In the calling of motherhood, we can sometimes feel like we are only doing mundane "body" work. As we do our duties today, let us remember that every body God has given us to care for houses an eternal soul!
"Learn to commend thy daily acts to God, so shall the dry every-day duties of common life be steps to heaven, and lift thy heart thither.--E. B. Pusey
A prospective donor for Åmy Carmichael's work in India ( saving temple children used for immoral "services"), sent a stipulation with his money--he wanted it used only " for evangelistic work, not buildings." Amy wrote to the gentleman: "Well, one can't save and then pitchfork souls into heaven. There are times when I heartily wish we could. And as for buildings, souls (in India, at least) are more or less securely fastened into bodies. Bodies can't be left to lie about in the open, and as you can't get the souls out and deal with them separately, you have to take them both together. What then is to be done?" (from A Chance to Die by E. Elliot)
In the calling of motherhood, we can sometimes feel like we are only doing mundane "body" work. As we do our duties today, let us remember that every body God has given us to care for houses an eternal soul!
"Learn to commend thy daily acts to God, so shall the dry every-day duties of common life be steps to heaven, and lift thy heart thither.--E. B. Pusey