Friday, September 28, 2007


Joshua Jude had fun playing hide and seek with Grandpa and his camera at the park! What a cutey pie!! He is going to be a big brother in just a few weeks!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Love me always, boy, whatever I do or leave undone. And--God help me--whatever you do or leave undone, I'll love you. There shall never be a cloud between us for a day; no, sir, not for an hour. We're imperfect enough, all of us, we needn't be so bitter; and life is uncertain enough at its safest, we needn't waste its opportunities.
--Juliana Horatia Ewing

Friday, September 21, 2007


We enjoyed having 3 boys in the house so much! Now we are getting used to a smaller family again (and a smaller grocery bill!). We took a weekend jaunt to Philly with Caleb before he went back to school--saw an organ concert on the Wanamaker organ, IMAX on King Tut, the N. C. Wyeth House, Brandywine Museum, and Longwood Gardens. We had a great time together.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Yes, our Sunday School class is over, and I have not kept up with my notes. . . but here are 2 virtues in capsule form, We spent several weeks on each of these.

The Virtue of Home-Working:
"Workers at home" is a compound word, literally, "houseworker" Oikos--house; ergos--working. Similar words in the NT are ampel (vine) ergos (worker) and geo (earth) ergos (worker), or vinedresser and farmer.
Where does a vine dresser work? Where does an earthworker work? Where does a houseworker work?
The Bible does not expressly forbid working outside the home, but neither does it encourage it. But it does command us to work at home, to have a love for homeworking.

Christian women are under attack. We are encouraged to make a name for ourselves, to choose a college major that will prepare you to pursue a lucrative career.
The Proverbs 31 woman pursued many endeavors beyond her house--the poor & needy, land, vineyards, sewing and selling her sashes--but these were all done out of her home.

Our job description is given in I Timothy 5:10-14:
1. Bringing up children
2. Showing hospitality.
3. Washing the feet of the saints (ministering to fellow Christians with meals, etc.)
4. Helping those in trouble (i.e., volunteering at a Crisis Pregnancy Center).
5. Devoting oneself to good deeds.
All of these center around the home.
What a joy to realize that during the seasons of life when we have little ones to care for, we can "fill full" (my way of thinking of fulfilling) God's purpose for us. Our home can be our sphere of ministry! Little is much when God is in it!

The Virtue of Kindness:
No less than the other virtues, this quality is essential for us to commend the gospel and not blaspheme the Word of God. To tease out the full meaning of kindness, we must also address doing good, for goodness is implicit in this Greek word for "kind".
Jerry Bridges says "Kindness and goodness can often be used interchangeablyh, but it is helpful to distinguish between the 2 traits: kindness is a sincere desire for the happiness of others (that includes our family); goodness is the activity calculated to advance that happiness." Usually good deeds do not happen unless we plan for them.

Proverbs 21:5--"The plans of the diligent lead to abundance." Planning is necessary for heading off danger, and for initiating good. What are some dangers for you? Problem: Are you always frantic and sharp with the family because you are running out the door late every Sunday morning? Plan: Set the alarm 15 minutes earlier. Intentions do not turn into reality unless you plan your work, and work your plan. Wriite down your goals for helping others, hospitality, in your journal. It feels great to write in the date when you have fulfilled them!

Proverbs 3: 3,4: Do not let kindness and truth leave you. Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man. Let us be reminded as wives and mothers that the ones God has given us to care for are the ones He has given us to show kindness toward! May our children see and hear kindness modeled in us! When my children were little, they talked about "my telephone voice"--the one that was kind to strangers. What a rebuke! I want to use "my telephone voice" with those that I love the most! May God work that in me!