Monday, February 20, 2006


There can be no real prosperity or progress in a nation, A HOME (emphasis mine), or a soul unless there be peace. As not even a machine can do its work unless it be in rest--secured on a good foundation--quietness and assurance are indispensable to mankind's moral and spiritual well-being. Sin has disturbed all our relations; we are out of harmony with ourselves, with men, and with God. . . .Peace can only come with right. Where everything is as God would have it, in God's order and in harmony with His will, there alone peace can reign.
--Andrew Murray in Abide In Christ

May we experience peace and harmony in our homes, we as seek to follow our Creator's order for our families. "It is HE that has made us, and not we ourselves." (Psalm 100) Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife. Proverbs 17:1


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